Monday, 24 November 2008

Last Part of the book Chapter 20 =>

Generally I was personally quite upset about the end - I expected Kathy and Tommy to have at least a few months together of deferred time. However, I guess this was a bit much to ask seeing as Kathy's extended (in they eyes of other donars who are her peers) time as a carer that this would be too good to be true.

When the door closes this seems to be the end of a chapter of Kathy and Tommy's lives - the end of niavity. The darkness of the house however, indicates that the next chapter will not be opne that begins with happiness and joy ... this could also indicate that The two ladies (Miss Emily and Madame) have connected with the students on a personal level as they too have done into the shadows just as the public want the students to be out of sight and in the shadows.They do have to be in the shadows for their own safety but this simply strengthens my point about how connected they are to the students.

Kathy's feelings that things were too late foreshadows the disappointment that comes when they meet with Madame and Miss Emily (unexpected) adn find that the deferral is simply a rumour.

The manner in which they conducted the meeting was quite strange as Miss Emily was hidden in the darkness listening to the conversation with Madame ... Her (Miss Emily) voice is described as being mechanic or like a machine ... (look-up) this indicates that she too have been dehumanised - could she too be a clone? Is this what has driven her/them to prove that the students have souls?

Miss Emily's Nigerian carer is the only time tha race/ nationality is mentioned within the novel ... and the fact that this carer had a good look at Kathy - does this mean that there are physical differences in appearance of the clones?

Madame placing Kathy's hand on her face ... an act that reminded me of a story of a white man fighting back the urge to wipe his hand after shaking the hand of a black man .... both blacks and clones are seen as less than human - blacks in our history and to an extent even today and clones within the novel ... if this were to happen they would indeed be considered less than human...

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